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World of Warcraft Universe

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General Info

Alliance logo
Faction NameAlliance


The Alliance is a faction made up of five races; humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes and draenei. United in their fight against the Horde, the Alliance was formed during the events of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness after the original Alliance of Lordaeron fell to the Orcish Horde. Since then, the Alliance has been through many battles and struggles but it has always managed to hold strong through its bonds of friendship.

As a member of the Alliance, you will have access to a broad range of character classes that will allow you to play the game the way you want. Whether you want to be a tank, healer, or damage dealer, the Alliance has something for you. You will also get to explore and quest across the vast and diverse continents of Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor.

The Alliance has a strong sense of justice and honor, and its members are known for their unwavering dedication to their cause. Combined with the strength and endurance of the various races under its banner, the Alliance forms one of the largest and most potent fighting forces in the World of Warcraft universe. Join the Alliance today and fight for the cause of righteousness!

  • Races: Humans, dwarves, night elves, gnomes, and draenei.
  • Classes: Paladins, Warriors, Priests, Rogues, Druids, Mages, Warlocks, and Hunters.
  • Major Cities: Stormwind City, Ironforge, Darnassus.
  • Primary Enemy: The Horde.


The Alliance is a faction of the World of Warcraft universe composed of several races; Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Draenei, and Worgen. They are an alliance of powerful kingdoms and ancient orders united in their fight against the darkness of Azeroth. The Alliance was formed after the First War against the Orcish Horde, which saw the joining of the Humans of Stormwind with the Dwarves of Khaz Modan and Gnomes of Gnomeregan. This union initially faced several challenges, but they were ultimately able to overcome them by working together. The Alliance eventually grew, with the Night Elves of Kalimdor and Draenei of Outland joining their ranks. The Worgen, a cursed group of Humans from Gilneas, also joined the Alliance, after the events of the Cataclysm. The Humans of the Alliance were once the greatest civilisation of Azeroth before the First War, ruling over the continent of Lordaeron. King Varian Wrynn, who succeeded King Llane as ruler of Stormwind, unified the scattered Human kingdoms with the other races of the Alliance to fight off the dangers that threatened the people of Azeroth. The Dwarves of the Alliance hail from Khaz Modan, where they live in mountain fortresses and mining communities. With their unparalleled knowledge of mining and stonework, the Dwarves serve as builders and craftsmen for the Alliance. King Magni Bronzebeard oversees the wellbeing of the Dwarven kingdom and their contributions to the Alliance. Gnomes, while physically small, possess the mind of a genius, and their knowledge of engineering is unmatched. They are responsible for many of the Alliance’s technological advances, often creating unique machines to aid them in their conflicts. High Tinker Mekkatorque leads the Gnome people and their inventions. At one time, the Night Elves were the dominant race on Azeroth, but they withdrew from the world, living secluded in their capital of Darnassus, on the continent of Kalimdor. The Night Elves are deeply spiritual people, revering nature, and are known for their mastery of the arcane arts. Tyrande Whisperwind leads the Night Elves, and plays a crucial role in the Alliance's defence against the threats from the Burning Legion and their agents. The Draenei initially arrived on Azeroth after fleeing their homeworld of Draenor, which was torn apart by the demonic Burning Legion. They brought with them knowledge of magical artifacts and powerful healing techniques. Velen, the leader of the Draenei, has served the Alliance valiantly. The Worgen are cursed Humans who can transform into powerful wolf-beasts. They reside primarily in their homeland of Gilneas, in the Eastern Kingdoms. With their control of the wilds, they can call upon the ferocity of nature itself to defend the Alliance. The Alliance has faced numerous threats over the course of World of Warcraft’s history. They fought against the Burning Legion, which threatened the destruction of all life, and also defended the world from the Lich King and his scourge. They have also battled against the Elemental Lords of Azeroth and the Old Gods that lie beneath its surface. Through all these perilous times, the Alliance has emerged victorious – and continued to pursue peace, justice, and freedom for all its people, while upholding their values of courage, honour, and compassion. In conclusion, the Alliance is a coalition of peoples who have put their differences aside and joined forces for a common goal – to protect Azeroth from the darkness that threatens to destroy it. They are a force to be reckoned with, and their strength and might are felt throughout the world of Warcraft.'


(Note: This text is written from the perspective of a historian or scholar in the World of Warcraft universe) The Alliance is a legendary faction that has existed for centuries throughout Azeroth's history. From the early days of humanity, these noble races have come together to confront formidable foes and stand united against the tides of evil. The origins of the Alliance can be traced back to the days of the first great human kingdoms, when humanity was struggling to survive against the ferocious orcs and other monstrous creatures that roamed the land. The human kingdoms of Azeroth- Stormwind, Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, and Gilneas- were the first members of the Alliance, binding themselves together in the hope of greater safety and stability. The Alliance remained a human-dominated organization for many years. However, as humanity spread across the world, they encountered other races, and it became clear that they needed greater unity if they hoped to survive against the darker forces working against them. Thus, the dwarves of Ironforge, the gnomes of Gnomeregan, and the high elves of Quel'Thalas were welcomed into the Alliance's fold. Over the years, the Alliance has faced many trials and tribulations. The Second War, in particular, was a period of great strife and suffering, as the orcs sought vengeance for their defeat in the First War. But the Alliance stood strong and emerged victorious, though at a great cost in lives and resources. In the years since that victory, the Alliance has weathered many other battles and stood strong, even when facing such dire threats as the Scourge or the Burning Legion. It has grown in power and influence, spreading its reach across much of Azeroth and beyond. The Alliance's current leadership is strong and experienced, with the great warrior King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind and the wise High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind of the night elves working together to keep their faction united and thriving. While the future remains uncertain, one thing is clear: the Alliance shall endure. Through its strength, unity, and courage, it shall continue to stand against all the dark forces that would seek to enslave, destroy, or corrupt the world of Azeroth. And generations yet unborn shall sing of its deeds and courage, and stand tall in the Alliance's proud shadow.

Notable Members


The geography of the Alliance is vast and diverse, encompassing many different continents and landscapes. At the heart of the Alliance is the kingdom of Stormwind, a shining beacon of hope to all who fight for the cause of justice and freedom. To the north lies the frozen wasteland of Northrend, home to the fearsome Lich King and his army of undead minions. It is here that the Alliance waged a brutal war against the Scourge, battling their way through towering citadels and haunted ruins in a desperate bid to put an end to the Lich King's reign of terror. East of Stormwind lies the continent of Kul Tiras, a maritime nation renowned for its powerful navy and skilled sailors. The people of Kul Tiras are rugged and independent, fiercely loyal to their homeland and quick to defend it against any threat. Further south lies the tropical paradise of Pandaria, a mysterious land shrouded in mist and inhabited by a diverse array of exotic creatures. Here, the Alliance struggled to overcome the influence of the Sha, ancient beings of pure negative energy that threatened to corrupt and destroy everything in their path. Across the great sea to the west lies the continent of Kalimdor, a wild and untamed land filled with danger and wonder. Here, the Alliance fought against the savage Horde, battling for control of valuable resources and struggling to survive in a hostile and unforgiving world. Among the most notable regions of Kalimdor are the towering peaks of Mount Hyjal, the verdant forests of Ashenvale, and the barren deserts of Silithus. Each of these regions holds its own unique challenges and rewards for those brave enough to explore them. In the far north of Kalimdor lies the blasted wasteland of Northrend, home to ancient ruins and dark fortresses dating back to the time of the Titans. It is a land of frozen tundras and icy landscapes, inhabited by fearsome beasts and the undead legions of the Lich King. The geography of the Alliance is rich and varied, offering countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. From the frozen wastes of Northrend to the sun-soaked beaches of Pandaria, there is always something new and exciting waiting around every corner. So gather your courage, arm yourself with a stout blade, and set out into the wide world of Azeroth – for the Alliance!

Legacy and Impact

Alliance faction in World of Warcraft is one of the most iconic and popular factions in the game, known for their dedication to honor, justice and unity. The faction consists of five different races - Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves and Draenei, each with its own unique history and culture, coming together to create a mighty force that has had a profound impact on the game's lore. The legacy of the Alliance is one of courage and sacrifice, as its members have fought valiantly against countless enemies over the years, including the dreaded Horde. They have triumphed over threats such as the Lich King, the Burning Legion, and even the ancient Old Gods, all while remaining steadfast in their devotion to the ideals of hope and peace. The Alliance has also left its mark on Azeroth through its architecture, technology, and culture. Their cities, such as the grand capital of Stormwind, are marvels of engineering and design, while their scholars and craftsmen have pushed the boundaries of magic and science to create wonders such as Gnomish Flying Machines and the Exodar, a massive crystalline ship. Despite the many conflicts and struggles, the Alliance has always remained true to its values, valuing honor and justice above all else. Their leaders, such as King Varian Wrynn and Queen Anduin Wrynn, have exemplified these virtues, demonstrating wisdom and compassion in equal measure. Their actions have inspired countless others to follow in their footsteps, forming a powerful community that has banded together to defend the world from threats too great for one hero to handle. The impact of the Alliance on the world of Azeroth is undeniable. From their stalwart defense of their territories, to their innovative advancements in technology, culture, and magic, they have left an indelible mark on the world that will be felt for generations to come. In conclusion, the Alliance is a faction that embodies the values of heroism, justice, and unity. Through their many struggles and triumphs throughout Azeroth's history, they have left a lasting legacy, shaped the course of the game's lore and made a profound impact on the world. Their leaders continue to inspire new generations of adventurers, ensuring that the Alliance will continue to play a significant role in the story of World of Warcraft for many years to come.