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Path of Exile Universe

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General Info

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Faction NameTemplar
The Templars of the Path of Exile universe are a dedicated and austere faction, wielding the power of both faith and magic to lay waste to their enemies. Hailing from the ancient, monastic order of the Eternal Empire, they bring a holy fervor to the battlefield and an unshakable faith in their cause. With their heavy armor and mastery of lightning and fire, Templars excel at both tanking and damage-dealing. They are formidable opponents in any combat scenario, whether fighting against the undead, corrupted beasts, or rival factions. Utilizing both close combat and ranged attacks, Templars are versatile and well-suited for a variety of combat styles. While they may not be quite as fast as some other factions, Templars make up for it with their sheer power and resilience. They can withstand a great deal of punishment and keep fighting long after other characters would have fallen. This resilience is bolstered by their ability to convert incoming damage to elemental energy, allowing them to shrug off attacks and turn them into powerful counterattacks. Overall, the Templars are an essential addition to any player's roster. If you value strength, durability, and holy vengeance, the Templars are the faction for you. So, players who like to play as stout characters that can tackle any challenge while harnessing the power of the divine will find the Templars a perfect fit.


The Templar faction in Path of Exile is a religious sect that follows a strict code of honor and devotion to a higher power. It's one of the seven core classes in the game, and the Templar class is known for its incredible defensive capabilities, as well as its ability to harness the power of lightning and fire. The Templar was once a member of the Eternal Empire, devoted to the worship of the gods. However, the empire fell centuries ago, and the Templar Order scattered to the winds. In the current era, the Order has reformed, and seeks to restore the glory of the empire by rooting out corruption and heresy wherever they may find it. Templars, as characters in Path of Exile, are characterized by their strength in defense and great fervor in battle. Their starting skill tree offers several skill nodes that provide both physical and magical damage mitigation and protection from status effects. Their defensive abilities are further reinforced by their high base strength and intelligence stats, as well as various abilities that grant additional defense buffs. Despite their defensive focus, Templars in Path of Exile also possess potent offensive capabilities, with access to several powerful spells such as Smite, Divine Ire, and Purifying Flame, which allow them to channel elemental energy through their weapons or simply call down divine wrath upon their enemies. The Templar's starting area on the passive skill tree is located in the center of the tree. It mostly provides bonus life and armor, elemental resistances as well as elemental damage, spell damage, and spellcasting speed, which make it perfect for a spell caster / tank hybrid build. The Templar also has a unique energy shield known as the Conviction Aura. This aura provides bonuses to the Templar's armor, elemental resistance, and damage, and its effects are further enhanced by the Aura passives in the skill tree. Players can further customize their Templar builds by choosing one of three Ascendancy classes: Inquisitor, Hierophant, or Guardian. The Inquisitor focuses on elemental damage and penetration, with skills such as Elemental Overload and Inevitable Judgment allowing the player to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies while ignoring their resistances. The Hierophant focuses on mana-powered spellcasting and totems, and is known for its excellent balance of offense and defense. Many of the Hierophant's abilities have a focus on casting multiple totems to control the battlefield. The Guardian is the most defensive of the three, and is adept at protecting allies with various crowd-control and shield abilities. Guardians can provide powerful buffs to allies with their templar aura, making them a great choice for team-oriented gameplay. The Templar is a versatile, yet complex class, that requires careful planning and build consideration to play effectively. Its mix of defensive capabilities and potent spellcasting make it a formidable force on the battlefield, and it's a great class for players who prefer a more strategic style of play. Whether you're a beginner or experienced player in Path of Exile, the Templar is a class definitely worth considering.


The Templar faction in the Path of Exile universe has a rich and interesting history that dates back to the early days of Wraeclast. The Templars were the first religious order to arrive on the shores of Wraeclast, sent by the Church of Eternal Truth to bring the word of their god to this new land. The Templars were a zealous and devoted group, and they quickly began to carve out their place in the rugged terrain of Wraeclast. At first, the Templars were welcomed by the natives of Wraeclast. They offered aid and comfort to those in need, building churches and setting up religious orders throughout the land. As time passed, however, the Templars became more and more aggressive in their attempts to convert the natives to their faith. They believed that the natives worshiped false gods and that they needed to be saved from damnation. Many of the natives resisted the Templars' efforts, resulting in conflict and bloodshed. Despite their growing reputation for violence, the Templars continued to gain power and influence throughout Wraeclast. They established their own kingdom and built a massive castle, which became the center of their power. The grandeur of their temple and their powerful armies made them one of the most powerful groups in Wraeclast, and they began to draw the attention of other factions. The Cataclysm, which occurred over a thousand years ago, changed the face of Wraeclast forever. The land was ripped apart, and the forces of nature were unleashed in a cataclysmic event. The world was plunged into chaos and darkness, and the Templars were not spared from its effects. The cataclysm destroyed much of the Templar kingdom. The castle was reduced to ruins, and many of the Templars perished in the disaster. Those who survived were forced to flee the ruins of their once-mighty castle and seek refuge in the wilderness. It was during this time that the Templars began to change. They became more reclusive, less interested in trying to convert the natives of Wraeclast. Instead, they focused on studying the secrets of the arcane and the mysteries of the universe. They developed a deep understanding of the forces of magic and began to wield its power to their own ends. When the exiles first arrived in Wraeclast, the Templars were suspicious of them. They saw them as a threat to their way of life, and they were not welcome in their territory. However, as time passed, the Templars began to see the exiles as potential allies. They recognized the strength of the exiles and saw that they could help to restore order to the troubled land of Wraeclast. Over time, the Templars and the exiles began to work together to restore order to the land. They faced many challenges, including powerful creatures, other factions, and the treacherous terrain of Wraeclast. However, through strength and determination, they were able to overcome these obstacles and begin to bring hope to the people of Wraeclast. Today, the Templars are one of the most influential factions in Wraeclast. They are known for their deep knowledge of magic and their ability to harness its power. They are also respected for their wisdom and their commitment to the preservation of knowledge and culture. While they still hold on to their religious beliefs, they are no longer as zealous in their attempts to convert others. They have learned that there are many paths to the divine, and that faith is a personal matter. In conclusion, the Templar faction of the Path of Exile universe has a long and storied history. They have faced many challenges and overcome formidable obstacles, and their resilience has allowed them to survive even in the face of cataclysmic events. While they may have started as a religious order, they have evolved over time to become a powerful force for good in Wraeclast. Today, they continue to strive for knowledge and enlightenment, and they are respected and admired by many for their wisdom and strength.

Notable Members


The Templar Order is a powerful religious faction in the Path of Exile universe. They are a group of religious extremists located in the forests at the southern border of Oriath. The Templars believe in the power of righteousness and will do whatever is necessary to ensure the balance of the land is maintained. The Templars inhabit several parts of the world, including the continent of Wraeclast, where they have fought to keep the land safe from chaos and evil. The geographical location of the Templar faction in Wraeclast is of significant strategic value, as it is located in the center of a dense forest. The dense forest provides natural protection from invaders and other factions seeking access to the region. The terrain of the Templar area is rugged and mountainous, making it a challenging area for enemies to traverse. The forest is old and surrounded by darkness, making it the perfect home for creatures that flourish in such an environment. The Templars believe that the creatures of this land are blessed by divine powers and will do everything in their power to protect these creatures. The forest is home to various creatures like bears, jaguars, and other predators. The Templar Order is also known to possess an intricate network of underground tunnels and a vast network of secret passageways that can only be accessed by the members of the order. These underground tunnels are critical to the order's survival and ensure that they can function even during harsh winters or in the event of an attack from an external enemy. The Templar area is also known for its diverse flora. The forest boasts of a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers that thrive in the temperate climate of the region. The area is rich in natural resources, including several mines, quarries, and timber reserves. The snowy mountain ranges surrounding the Templar area are also of great significance to the order. The snow-capped mountains are a perfect place for the order's elite armies to train and hone their skills. The harsh climate and treacherous terrain of these mountains make it more challenging for enemies to penetrate the order's defenses. In conclusion, the Templar faction is a powerful religious order located in the center of a dense forest in the Path of Exile universe. The geographical location of the order is of significant strategic value, and the rugged mountainous terrain and natural protection provide excellent defense against external enemies. The Templars believe in the power of righteousness and are ready to do everything necessary to ensure the balance of the land is maintained. Additionally, the diverse flora, rich natural resources, and snowy mountain ranges surrounding the area make it a fascinating place and a worthwhile addition to the Path of Exile universe.

Legacy and Impact

The Templar faction of Path of Exile is a group shrouded in mystery and steeped in religious zealotry. The Templars believe that God has chosen them as his instruments, and they carry out his will with single-minded devotion. Leading the Templars is High Templar Venarius, whose influence is felt throughout the land of Wraeclast. The legacy of the Templars is a long and storied one, with their order dating back centuries. They have faced many challenges and trials, but have always emerged victorious. They were instrumental in driving out the Vaal, a powerful and ancient race that once ruled the land. The Templars also played a key role in purging the land of the undead, creatures that had been created by the ancient Vaal. Their work continues to this day, as they seek to rid the land of evil in all its forms. The impact of the Templars cannot be overstated. They have been instrumental in shaping the destiny of Wraeclast, and their influence can be felt throughout the land. They have built great cities and fortresses, and their armies have won countless battles against the forces of darkness. They have also played a key role in the development of magic and technology, and their inventions have changed the course of history. Today, the Templars continue their work, seeking to cleanse the land of all that is evil. They are respected and feared in equal measures, and their reputation as fierce warriors and skilled magic-users is well deserved. They are also seen as deeply religious, and their devotion to their cause is an inspiration to many. Despite their many accomplishments, the Templars have not been without their detractors. Some see them as fanatics, blinded by their religious zeal. Others criticize them for their harsh methods and willingness to use magic to achieve their goals. But whatever one's opinion of the Templars, their impact on the world of Path of Exile cannot be denied. In the end, it is up to each player to decide what they think of the Templars. Some may choose to join their ranks and fight for their cause, while others may reject their beliefs and fight against them. Regardless, the influence of the Templars on the world of Path of Exile will continue to be felt for years to come, shaping the destiny of the land in ways that we can only imagine.