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Red Ribbon Army

General Info

Red Ribbon Army logo
Faction NameRed Ribbon Army
The Red Ribbon Army is one of the most notorious antagonistic factions in the Dragon Ball universe. This army is composed of numerous soldiers and commanders, who wear distinctive red ribbon insignias on their uniforms. While the rank and file soldiers are relatively weak, the higher-ups are formidable foes to contend with. Led by Commander Red, the Red Ribbon Army is relentless in their pursuit of world domination. Their ultimate objective is to obtain all seven Dragon Balls, the mystical orbs that can grant wishes. Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, the Red Ribbon Army makes several appearances, from their early clashes with young Goku to their later confrontations with the Z-Fighters. One of their most dreaded creations, the androids, proves to be a fearsome challenge even for some of the strongest characters in the series. Despite their eventual defeat, the legacy of the Red Ribbon Army is not easily forgotten, and their influence can still be felt in the Dragon Ball universe. Their dark goals and ruthless tactics serve as a stark contrast to the heroic struggles of Goku and his allies, making them a memorable foe for fans of the series.


Introduction to the Red Ribbon Army Faction in Dragon Ball The Red Ribbon Army faction is one of the most powerful and influential organizations in the Dragon Ball universe. This group of individuals is known for their formidable military might and technological prowess, often engaging in battles with the anime's protagonists Goku and his allies. The Faction's History The Red Ribbon Army was founded by a man named Commander Red, who was obsessed with obtaining the Dragon Balls in order to become taller. He used the resources of the organization to fund his own personal goals, and the Red Ribbon Army was soon transformed into a powerful military force that aimed to achieve world domination. Throughout the series, the Red Ribbon Army is depicted as a ruthless organization that stops at nothing to achieve its goals. They are known for their advanced technology, including powerful weapons and combat androids. Their most notable creations are the powerful androids, such as Androids 17 and 18, who were created with the sole purpose of destroying Goku and his friends. Although they were initially created to serve the Red Ribbon Army, the androids eventually gained their own free will and chose to turn on their creators. The Faction's Leader The leader of the Red Ribbon Army, Commander Red, is both an intriguing and intimidating character. Despite his small size, he is known for his commanding presence and ruthless personality. He is often depicted as a villainous character, willing to sacrifice anything – even his own men – in order to achieve his goals. Throughout the series, Commander Red engages in a number of conflicts with Goku and his friends, and although he is initially portrayed as a formidable opponent, he is ultimately defeated by Goku. His death marks the end of the Red Ribbon Army's reign of terror, and the organization is disbanded shortly afterward. The Faction's Operations In terms of operations, the Red Ribbon Army is known for military-style missions that often involve the acquisition of powerful objects or individuals. These missions are often executed with extreme force, utilizing advanced weapons and vehicles in order to achieve their objectives. The Faction's Members The Red Ribbon Army comprises a number of highly trained and skilled individuals, including various commanders, scientists, and soldiers. Among these members are some of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball universe, including Tao Pai Pai – an assassin hired by the Faction to kill Goku – and General Blue, a skilled martial artist and expert in Telekinesis. Although the members of the Red Ribbon Army are often depicted as ruthless and dangerous individuals, some have been known to show compassion and humanity. This is particularly true of characters like Android 16, who is depicted as a gentle soul with a strong connection to nature. Conclusion Overall, the Red Ribbon Army is a fascinating and complex faction that spans the length of the Dragon Ball universe. From their formidable technology to their ruthless military tactics, this organization is both feared and respected by all who encounter it. Despite their many strengths, however, they ultimately fall to the might of Goku and his friends, proving that even the most powerful of organizations can be brought to their knees by the power of friendship and determination.


The Red Ribbon Army (RRA) is a notorious military organization in the Dragon Ball universe. It was established by the genius scientist Dr. Gero, who created powerful androids to serve as the army's main weapons. The Red Ribbon Army's history is one of bloodshed, betrayal, and perseverance. Here is a brief overview of the organization's rise and fall. The Early Years: Formation and Expansion The formation of the RRA was rooted in Dr. Gero's bitter resentment towards the ruling government of Earth. Gero was a brilliant scientist who had worked for the government for many years. However, he was eventually fired due to his erratic behavior and repeated failures to produce results. This only fueled his anger towards the very society that had rejected him. In an effort to take revenge on his former employers, Gero gathered a group of mercenaries and established the Red Ribbon Army, hoping to overthrow the government and institute his own vision of a new world order. The army quickly gained power and territory, becoming a formidable force that devastated entire cities in its path. Throughout their early years, the RRA expanded their ranks by recruiting powerful warriors and scientists from across the planet to produce deadly weapons and machinery. Gero's genius was instrumental in their success, and he continued to develop new technologies that gave the army an edge over their enemies. The Search for the Dragon Balls Driven by a desire for even greater power, the Red Ribbon Army set their sights on the legendary Dragon Balls. They hoped to use the wish-granting orbs to acquire immortality and dominate the world. The army launched a widespread search for the Dragon Balls, sending soldiers to every corner of the Earth to find them. The search was long and arduous, but eventually, the army managed to collect six of the seven Dragon Balls. It was during this time that they encountered Goku, the young Saiyan who would become their biggest adversary. Despite the RRA's technological superiority and massive size, Goku proved to be a worthy opponent, defeating several of their top soldiers in battle. The Downfall The RRA's momentum came to an abrupt halt when Goku infiltrated their headquarters and destroyed their most powerful android, the Red Ribbon Army's ultimate weapon, the infamous General Blue and Commander Black. The blow was a major setback for the army, and they were never able to recover fully. Following the defeat of Commander Black, the remnants of the RRA were quickly hunted down by the government forces and other factions, eventually leading to their complete downfall. Legacy While the RRA's existence was short-lived, their impact on the Dragon Ball universe was significant. Dr. Gero's androids would play a major role in the story for years to come, serving as recurring villains in the Dragon Ball Z and Super Sagas. The RRA also established a pattern of villainy in the Dragon Ball universe, which would continue with the likes of Frieza and Cell, among others. In conclusion, the Red Ribbon Army was one of the most dangerous and destructive forces in the Dragon Ball universe. While their reign was brief, their impact on the progression of the story was undeniable. The RRA's legacy continues to live on in the series today, serving as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the lengths that power-hungry individuals will go to achieve their goals.

Notable Members

Member #
Commander Red
Staff Officer Black
Captain Dark
Captain Yellow
Captain Silver
Captain Violet
Captain White
General Blue
Adjutant Black
Captain Yellow's Subordinate
Captain Dark's Soldiers
Red Ribbon Army Soldiers
Red Ribbon Army Engineers
Captain Yellow's Subordinate
Mercenary Tao
Colonel Silver
Major Metallitron
Sergeant Metallic
Muscle Tower's Guards
Murasaki Brothers
Dr. Flappe
Pilaf Machine's Guard
RR Mech Pilots
Captain Yellow's Subordinate
Colonel Violet
Captain White's Subordinate
Red Ribbon Army Announcer
RR Mech Officer
Major Metallitron's Prototype
Murderous Robot
RR East Headquarters Staff
RR North Quadrant Cmdr.
RR South Quadrant Cmdr.
Doctor Gero
Android 8 / Hacchan
Android 13
Android 14
Android 15
Android 16
Android 17
Android 18
Majin Buu (Innocent)
Super Android 13
Dr. Myuu
Hell Fighter 17
King Cold
Baby Vegeta
Dr. Gero's Supercomputer
General Rilldo
Hyper Meta-Rilldo
Dr. Mu
Android 19
Android 20
Ghost Warriors
Broly Dark
Broly Black
Baby Janemba
Super Baby 2
Syn Shenron
Omega Shenron
SSR Goku Black


The Red Ribbon Army, one of the most notorious factions in the Dragon Ball universe, was a powerful military organization that sought to conquer the world and obtain the legendary Dragon Balls. With their advanced technology and vast resources, the Red Ribbon Army was able to establish a formidable presence in many parts of the world. One of the most important regions under the control of the Red Ribbon Army was the Jingle Village area, located in the mountainous terrain of the Southwestern region of the Earth. This was the site of the first appearance of Goku, who was sent on a mission by his adoptive grandfather to find the Dragon Balls. The village was a small, peaceful settlement, but it was surrounded by a dense forest and a network of caves, which made it the perfect place for the Red Ribbon Army to hide their secret base. The Red Ribbon Army also had a strong presence in the East, where they established their primary base of operations. This was a vast, highly secured complex that consisted of multiple levels and was located on a remote island in the middle of the ocean. The base was heavily fortified, with numerous lookout towers, powerful weapons, and advanced technology that allowed the army to monitor and control the surrounding waters. Another crucial region of the Dragon Ball universe under the control of the Red Ribbon Army was the Northern region. This was a frigid, icy wasteland, where few people dared to venture due to the extreme weather conditions. However, the Red Ribbon Army had set up several bases in the area, where they conducted research on advanced military technology and trained their soldiers for combat in harsh environments. Finally, the Red Ribbon Army also had a significant presence in the West, where they established their secondary base. This was a vast, sprawling city, located in the middle of a vast desert. The city was home to thousands of soldiers and their families and was the hub of the Red Ribbon Army's economic and logistical operations. Overall, the Red Ribbon Army was a powerful military organization that dominated vast territories in many parts of the world. From the freezing wastelands of the North to the scorching deserts of the West, the army had established an extensive network of bases, fortifications, and weapons, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Legacy and Impact

The Red Ribbon Army was one of the deadliest organizations in the Dragon Ball universe. Founded by Dr. Gero, a brilliant but obsessive scientist, the army sought to obtain the Dragon Balls and use them for world domination. Although the army was eventually defeated by Goku and his friends, their legacy and impact on the series continue to be felt to this day. One of the ways in which the Red Ribbon Army's impact is felt is through the creation of some of the series' most memorable characters. Dr. Gero himself created many of the famous villains in the series, including Cell and the Androids. These characters were not only formidable opponents for Goku and his friends, but they also added a layer of complexity to the series. Cell, for example, was not simply a mindless killing machine, but a being with a complex history and a desire to prove his superiority. Another way in which the Red Ribbon Army's legacy lives on is through its technology. The army was known for its advanced weaponry and technology, including the Red Ribbon Robot, which was one of the most powerful robots in the series. This type of technology has continued to be a staple of the series, with characters such as Bulma and Dr. Briefs continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology. Additionally, the Red Ribbon Army has had a significant impact on the Dragon Ball lore. The army's quest for world domination and their use of advanced technology have become part of the series' mythology. The idea of the Dragon Balls being used to grant wishes has also become a key part of the series. Even the death of Red Ribbon Army soldiers has become significant, with the concept of the "Red Ribbon Army death pose" being a popular meme within the Dragon Ball community. Overall, the Red Ribbon Army's impact on the Dragon Ball series cannot be overstated. From the creation of iconic characters to the development of new technologies and the establishment of key elements of the series' lore, the army has had a lasting impact on the Dragon Ball universe. While they may be gone, their legacy lives on.